Praktisk information
What does the EU mean to Ukrainians? And how is that telling of a potential common future with Ukraine inside the EU? This event will delve into the perceptions of the EU and European identity among political actors in Brussels and Kyiv. Moreover, we will discuss Ukrainians’ perceptions of Europe and pre-war attempts to address EU requirements in the area of international migration and minority rights.
9:00: Doors open. Delicious brunch, juice and coffee is served.
9:30: What does the EU mean to Ukrainians? By Magnus Lund Nielsen, EU analyst and academic.
Magnus Lund Nielsen latest work investigated how political actors in Kyiv and Brussels perceive the EU and European identity and how these findings are telling of a potential shared future within the EU.
9:50: Panel discussion with:
- Magnus Lund Nielsen, EU writer and analyst.
- Natalya Popovych, Chair of Ukraine House in Denmark.
- Vera Skvirskaja, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies.
- Svitlana Chekunova, Ukrainian Center for Political and Economic Studies.
- Zoé Elkær Nicot will moderate the debate.
11: 00: The event ends.