DEO Travel is a part of DEO – Democracy in Europe Organisation; a debate and a liberal adult education organisation working to promote a participatory European democracy. The organisation has no specific political agenda but aims to raise political questions, address problems and discuss European issues. The primary goal is to create the framework for a rich democratic debate, and learn more about our European neighbors.
In continuation of this, each year DEO Travel organises and executes a number of study trips to different European countries. Our focus is on society, history, culture and politics; and in order to introduce these topics to our travellers we have aligned ourselves with some of the leading country-experts in Denmark. Together with us they serve as tour leaders on our trips.
On the trips we strive to meet with relevant activists, politicians, scholars as well as representatives from different formal and informal organisations and institutions. Our travellers are not ‘classic’ tourists but very much interested in learning more about politics and society in the countries we visit. We all (travellers and tour leaders alike) are always ready to debate a broad range of issues concerning European politics. For this reason we call our trips ‘political road trips’.
By traveling to learn, to debate and to broaden our network, over the last ten years we have visited Belgium/Bruxelles, France/Strasbourg, Germany, Czechia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.
DEO Travel includes Zlatko Jovanovic(Head of DEO Travel), Marcus Popov Damgaard, Michael Birkkjær Lauritsen, Finn Ellegaard and Dorte Duun.
DEO Travel
Contact information
The Democracy in Europe Organisation (DEO)
Nordkystvejen 2F, 8
961 Allingåbro, Denmark
Phone: +45 70 26 36 66